
SkullandBonesSkateboards.com Forum Index » THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED: » Concrete Wave in Wallmart?!! |
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Keep At It |
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 12:22 pm |
Joined: 03 Aug 2004
Posts: 273
Location: The Beach
Well, all I can say, is that I hope you guys are right. |
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The Green Monkey |
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:27 pm |

Joined: 15 Jun 2002
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Keep At It wrote: I don't know what you're reading Green Monkey, but CW is as clean-cut as a skate mag can get.
My most basic concerns have nothing to do with how clean-cut CW is. I know that MB has relaxed his attitude towards the casual use of swear words, and to most people, the handful that make it in are not going to outrage anyone who is already a CW reader (with the exception of that one guy who wrote in a year or so ago), but it will inevitably upset some hypersensitive God Squad Flanders Wal-Mart asshole who can only get to sleep at night if he's squelched another person's freedom in the name of promoting Jeebus and advancing a suffocating morality.
How long do you think Shitbird will be allowed to continue to advertise after that asshole complains to Wal-Mart about what the S word (never mind the hailsatan email address...) is going to do to poor Rod and Todd?
How about companies who advertise that they carry Shitty's products? Will they eventually need to quit including that in their ads?
What about interviews? Are they going to be censored like Wal-Mart's CDs? Will they have funny little symbols in place of swear words? Will there eventually end up being two separate issues--one for the Wal-Martians, and one for the rest of us? Or will every future interview feature Jamie Thomas?
My primary concern is that either Wal-Mart will figure out a way to bend MB to it's will, or that Wal-Mart's eventual withdrawal will end up crippling CW.
Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, 'gee, I think that today is a perfect day to become addicted to smack.' It's a gradual process. So is Wal-Mart's tendency to wrap companies around their finger. No independent company agrees to an initial business arrangement with Wal-Mart that initially states that Wal-Mart will become a bloodthirsty parasite that will rape and rob the target company. It takes a little while to develop, and a deal with the devil always looks like a good idea at the time...
Once Wal-Mart has got CW and MB dependent on the WM dollars, then they'll go for the jugular. That's when they'll put the screws to MB. Not right away, when he has the option to back away before too much harm is done.
Is Wal-Mart going to be told that they can't advertise in CW? That Andy Mac's Chinese Crap isn't going to fly with CW? Or suddenly will it fly? What about Jim Gray's ad about who sells Chinese wood? Will that still be okay? What if Slob decides to run an ad for Speed Dealer that doesn't say anything about Shitbird's gear (gotta protect Roddy and Toddy), but says that "We don't sell any Mall-Wart crap!" Would that be okay?
What about other Wal-Mart related ads? Will there be ads for Wal-Mart clothes and shoes? CW is already quietly and slowly departing from the early maxim of "no food, drink, shoe or clothing ads" that seemed so strong and proud in the first few issues. Will this trend continue or end with Wal-Mart's added presence? How will this trend be affected when the inevitable break with Wal-Mart goes down? Will the staggering loss of WM's capital lead CW to accept more clothing, Snickers, and Mountain Dew ads to make up the difference?
We all know that there's already a bit of difficulty getting the magazine to every current subscriber at roughly the same time. Since Wal-Mart won't stand for a single issue of their 3,300 to be late, and if they are, it's MB's ass, what is going to be done to make sure that non-WM issues get to their intended mailboxes at the same new and improved rate, or at least maintain the current rate we've got going now? Or will Wal-Mart have the issue a month before the rest of us?
To me, this whole idea is frought with all of the very same issues that have "brought down" all of the other skate magazines over the years that CW seemed prepared to battle and willing to resist at it's inception, but this time, it won't be Fausto/Dorfman/Powell/etc., or whoever within the industry trying to pull strings, it won't even be Larry "Bad MF" Flynt or Bob "Cocksucker" Guccione, it'll be a heavy fucking duty corporate mercenary with no ties, attachment, or love for skateboarding.
I feel like someone may or may not have stolen a very treasured object from me, and that the thief may be the very person who gave it to me in the first place, but that it'll take me a year or a year and a half to figure out whether it was even stolen from me or not.
I'm putting the over/under at 6 issues before something's got to give.
One of my biggest fears about all of this is that a deal with Wal-Mart will end up not working out for one reason or another, but its wake will only leave a mere husk of what CW once was. On the flip-side, another of my biggest concerns is that it'll work out splendidly, leaving only a husk of what CW once was. |
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Buck Toff |
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 7:51 pm |

Joined: 03 Sep 2004
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I have faith that Concrete Wave will not be bullied into changing by WalMart. MB seems way too savvy for that. If anything, he'll use his instincts as a polite Canadian to subvert WalMart, and eventually change them to HIS tune. Ha.  |
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carveNgrind |
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:56 pm |
Joined: 10 Nov 2002
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I see having CW at Walmart a positive thing because I never was keen at keeping up with subscriptions. I can see why people wouldn't be so hip to accept that with open arms but I think it will just help usher in boards with shape, different widths, and style. Just my take on it. My last CW was the one with Danforth on the cover. If I could somehow get someone to hook me up with inbetweens that'd be awesome and I'd just resume getting the rest at Walmart.
Eric |
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skategeezer |
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:23 am |
Joined: 03 Jul 2003
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visit loosetrucks.com or milehighskates.com to complete your collection
tailtap.com also has some back issues
gang, don't worry about walmart....if people buy it there, great...if they don't, I get kicked out and we move on.
if they tell me to remove the Shitbird ad or they won't carry the mag, i will tell them "no."
there, you have it in writing. |
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Smakutus |
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:48 am |
Joined: 10 Dec 2001
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slob-air wrote: The answer: only those that are already lost and unrecoverable.
Nahhh.. Only little kids buy and skate boards from Walmart and really probably just that first one.
If you see a CW in Walmart soon you should buy a copy even if you subscribe already, just to help Mike outt.. I know I will.
(You can always sell it on Ebay later)
Jeff. |
_________________ "what the heck you talking about i sent you the money weeks ago,and you still gaveme a negative feedback,and top it off never sent me the tape,its ebayers like you that screw people,Thanks for messing up my ratings jerk.."
A. Fuckingkissfan. |
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