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sims lonnie toft signature model

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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 3:06 am Reply with quote
Joined: 30 Sep 2003 Posts: 2098 Location: here and there
I have a lonnie toft signature model. great condition, it has a hand made tail bone so the tail is unmarked. clear grip so you can see the top graphics.

one small problem

some one painted the bottom white. (well i think some one painted the bottm or perhaps it is a factory job as it looks way clean and neat. )

i can see the signature though the paint.

any hints for removing this layer?

or did these sims decks sometimes come factory painted like that. but it seems weird if they did come painted. but who knows?


if it is not some weird factory paint job then how can I remove the paint from this deck?
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tony hallam
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 7:17 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 05 Dec 2002 Posts: 348 Location: Australia
I would walk this board straight into a paint store and explain that you want to remove the white paint but not damage the signature and sims graphic underneath.
I would also approach one of the more mature looking attendant, not the zit faced kid who probably knows jack.
Ask them to demonstrate the product on the board in front of you to ensure that you are not wasting your money and you won't come back to them pissed off that the graphic has been removed.
If you can take in a pic of the board from an old magazine and show them what the board should look like.
If you can't find one use this pic.
Good luck, if you find a product that removes surface paint and doesn't damage the bottom graphic put that info back onto the forum, I'm sure your situation is not isolated.
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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:28 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 4042
I may be able to help this time. I come from two generations of paint store owners. Two uncles, my dad and my grandfather, so read this carefully.

Let's start with the bad news. Unless you get lucky there is no effective way to remove one layer of paint perfectly cleanly without damaging an underneath layer.

What you CAN do depends on how your painted layer will react to different products, what kind of paint was used ( sprayed or brushed, oil or latex etc. etc. etc.).

If it is a thick brushed layer of paint that is you best shot at getting the wood real clean. If it is a thin sprayed layer that is your worst shot.

A solvent like goo gone or like dried paint remover will take off any paint very slowly, but it is hard to control how much it will take off and where (ie results will be uneven). Paint thinner and degreaser I use to clean decks, they will take off nearly no paint. Stripper is the most effective remover (the goop) but it will not take long before it takes off all the paint.

Whatever you do, using any sort of scraper or putty knife is a mistake unless the stripper is taking off the paint in clean chunks ( ie the paint is releasing from the wood entirely) and even then you want to lift the chunks and not push them off. Use cloth rags, a bedsheet is good, anything without a fuzzy nap, That shit will get caught in the pores of your wood and really fuck you up.

It sounds like you deck is sprayed - bad news, but not hopeless.

Use bedsheet, and where the signature is take a tiny dry drop of stripper and wipe up the white paint with your fingertip, dot by dot, VERY lightly. Change spots constantly, and turn your rag constantly. When it fills with paint throw it out and use a new one. DONT EVER LET GLOBS OF STRIPPER SIT ON YOUR PAINT OR IT WILL KEEP STRIPPING. The deck won't ever come clean entirely but you will probably get a sweet signature on a white stained looking deck out of it. Don't go too far with the stripping because it will negatively affect the wood after a while.

Most Important - - - Try out things alot, difft. products, difft. timing, techniques in safe areas like under the trucks until you find something that works well. Take your time because it will take time.

[ This Message was edited by: holyghost on 2003-10-01 23:30 ]
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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:44 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 4042
Correction by me.

There may be a way to remove everything cleanly. Look into what a museum supply place offers, people get paid to do this kind of thing with q-tips, remember Ghostbusters 2. That's some serious patient as work though. I did a dogtown the way I decribed and it came out alot better than it was, you have an easier deck to work with.
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